Nestled up in the Himalayas, Nepal has always been a very spirtual place. Birthplace of the Buddha, Nepal is an interesting mix of Himalayan Buddhism from Tibet and Hinduism from the dusty plains of India. Legend says that the Kathmandu Valley was once a big lake that was drained by the Hindu God Krishna, so that it would be fit for human habitation.
For milenia Nepal grew rich on trade, being the easiest route across the Himalya for the pony trains of the merchants travelling from China to India. Kathmandu is full of amazing buildings and temples dating from the Malla Dynasty, when Nepal was at it's zenith. Unfortunately when trade switched to sea rather than land, Nepal lost out being a landlocked country. Nepal fell furthur behind when the British arrived and transformed the princely states to the south of Nepal into the country of India.
These days Nepal is somewhat of a backwater, sandwiched between the two regional superpowers of India & China. However it's people are a beautiful and gentle race. As is the case in developing countries there is no social security so everyone is very industrious, there are many, many different types of crafts people. There are also many Tibetans that escaped Tibet and settled in Nepal when the Chinese invaded.
We work with many small scale comunity & family run businesses around the Kathmandu Valley.
Our main products from Nepal are Knitted Winterwear, Traditional Incense, Traditional Buddhist items such as Tibetan Prayer Flags & Prayer Wheels and the amazing Tibetan Thanka painting, which are painted as an act of devotion. Here are a small selection of our Nepalese products.
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